Snack Car (7136)
- Ex Long Island “Ping Pong” P54 Commuter Cars
- Built in 1927 by the American Car & Foundry
- May have been used at Steam Town Vermont
- Cars were sold to McDonald Steel Company in McDonald, OH then to Ashtabula, Carson & Jefferson in Ohio in 1995 and finally to Buffalo Cattaraugus and Jamestown Scenic Railway in 2014

Open Air (Outdoor) Car
- Covered overhead, sides open and exposed to the air and weather
- Purchased from Knox and Kane by Scott Symans
- Built on a PRR caboose frame that was extended by Penn View Mountain Railroad (Sloan Cornell, then moved to Knox & Kane)
- Privately owned

Coach Car (7133)
- Ex Long Island “Ping Pong” P54 Commuter Cars
- Built in 1927 by the American Car & Foundry
- May have been used at Steam Town Vermont
- Cars were sold to McDonald Steel Company in McDonald, OH then to Ashtabula, Carson & Jefferson in Ohio in 1995 and finally to Buffalo Cattaraugus and Jamestown Scenic Railway in 2014

Penn Central Caboose
- Built on Box Car frame by PC
- Was in New Castle, PA
- Purchased by and restored by Ray Kolasa for use by the BC&J Scenic Railway